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    Procedure InstallBGIMouse(Shape:Pointer)

    This  transferrs  control  from  the  standard  mouse  driver  to the
    PGUI BGI mouse  driver  -  supporting  coloured  mouse  pointers  and
    Super VGA modes.

    Picture  is  a  valid  mouse  picture,  that  is,  if  you  are  in a
    64k  colour  mode,  the  image  (created   using  GetImage)  must  be
    a 64k colour image.   Thus  for  each  mode  you  support (16 colour,
    256 colour, etc.),  you  will  need  a  different  mouse  picture and

    Mask is the  mouse  mask.   It  is  an  image  made  of  colour 0 and
    the highest colour  number.   If  you  are  in  16 colour mode, where
    ever your mouse  picture  has  colour,  the  mouse  mask  should be 0
    (usually  black)  and  where  there  is  no  colour  one  uses colour
    15 (highest colour) in the mask.    Where ever there is 15, the back-
    ground  is   preserved,   where   ever   there   is   colour  0,  the
    background is cleared for the mouse picture.


    Assume you  used  the  following  picture  in  your  program,  then a
    possible mask is

      Picture               Mask

      001100               FF00FF
      012210               F0000F
      112211               000000
      006600               FF00FF
      006600               FF00FF
      006600               FF00FF

    where F  =  15.   Where  ever  there  is  colour,  one  must  have  a
    0 (clear background) and  where  there  is  no  colour one should use
    F (keep background), depending on the effect you would like.

    There are graphic programs  available  (you usually get one with your
    mouse) for creating masks.


    This procedure may only be called once.

    InitGraph must be called before this procedure is called.

    Mouse.Init(True) must be called before this procedure is called.

See Also: Types
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson